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IT Outsourcing Services to Build an Efficient, Agile IT Organization

In today’s business landscape, the need to stay competitive necessitates enterprise-wide innovation and digital transformation. These efforts are often stalled due to legacy infrastructure, siloed IT processes, and the need for many specialized personnel. Outsourcing to Asia brings challenges: lack of familiarity with U.S. business practices, culture, regulations, and language – just to name a few.

At Auxis, our expertise as IT outsourcing providers ensures we bring the right tools, technologies, and talent to elevateLeveraging our nearshore delivery platform (which includes Costa Rica, Colombia, and Mexico), we provide holistic outsourced IT consulting, implement complex technology migrations, and deliver end-to-end management and security of data centers, networks, cloud platforms, and more. 

What we’ll cover in the consultation:

Our Outsourced IT Support Services

We elevate your technology infrastructure operations by providing holistic support, encompassing end user assistance and the efficient management of data centers, cloud services, and security. 

Start Your Modernization Journey Today!

We want to learn more about your organization to help you achieve your business goals.

Nearshore Pioneer in Latin America

With over 25 years of shared services experience in the region, Auxis’ IT Help Desk Outsourcing Services are provided from Latin America’s top nearshore locations. Our customers receive critical advantages like time zone compatibility, strong cultural affinity, and highly educated talent with exceptional English proficiency and familiarity of North American operations.

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Costa Rica

Most mature shared services destination in the Americas, with over 350 multinationals providing business services from the country. 

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 Ranked #1 for availability of skilled talent in Latin America on the IMD World Talent Ranking and ranked #1 on the Offshore BPO Confidence Index.

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Supporting Hubs

Our support hubs offer the best quality, technically skilled talent from top nearshoring destinations including Mexico, Argentina, and Guatemala, and use best practices, technology, and innovation to drive continuous process improvement.

Webinar Recap

The Talent and Cost Benefits of Nearshoring for your IT Organization: Keys to Success

Client Experiences

Ready to Take Your Outsourcing to the
Next Level?